Volunteer Program

What is the UPRAA Volunteer Program?

UPRAA’s Volunteer Program is an opportunity offered to our members to inspired community service. UPRAA encourages community service not only through its events and programs but also by supporting its member’s service to personal community interests and causes.

UPRAA is a Certifying Organization of the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA). UPRAA members completing the volunteer service requirements are recognized with the PVSA

How does it work?

Become a member and sign up to Become a Volunteer. UPRAA will certify your eligibility by collecting the information necessary to validate U.S. citizenship or lawful permanent residency. UPRAA will follow PVSA’s program criteria and eligibility requirements.

Once you are certified eligible, you can begin submitting your volunteer service hours through our tracking tool. When you reach your service hour’s milestone, UPRAA will validate completion of eligible service and submit the PVSA application.

UPRAA will make every effort to personally present this award UPRAA Excellence Awards event. If this is not possible, UPRAA will mail the award to your location.

It is important to know that UPRAA will maintain accurate records on recipients, including service and award history and other eligibility information (e.g., citizenship, birthdate), as required by the PVSA program.

To know more about the PVSA, please visit https://www.presidentialserviceawards.gov

How do I participate?

1. Become a Member
2. Register / Login to upraa.org/volunteer-program
3. Volunteer in our events/programs or at your personal cause
4. Submit your hours in our tracking tool.